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Biden admits he could ‘pack’ Supreme Court if Amy Barrett is confirmed
Biden won't say if he will pack Supreme Court if Barrett is confirmed
EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Cruz Says Biden, Harris Ready To Pack The Court #scotus #amyconeybarrett
WATCH: Biden says he won't 'attempt to change' Supreme Court lifetime appointments
Biden Says He Is Not A Fan Of Expanding Supreme Court | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Biden again refuses to answer if he would 'pack' the Supreme Court
Biden slams Trump, urges Senate to hold up Supreme Court nomination
Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Senate confirmation hearings | Day 2
Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Confirmation Day 1: Review & Analysis
AOC says "EXPAND THE COURTS" After Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed to Supreme Court
DAY 1 — Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing (FULL)
Sen Cruz slams 'court packing' ahead of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's hearing